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The Trilogy on Migration, Mobility and Urban China

Involuntary Attachment

This book project focuses on debt in China's urban machine. The fieldwork is done in Chongqing. 


Brutal Temporality

I am currently working on this book manuscript. This book focuses on China’s rural migrant entrepreneurs, peddlers, and other informal workers who make a living on the fast-changing urban fringes of Beijing through casual labor and small investments. These migrants cannot be defined solely by their work because they constantly hop from one job or business to another to ensure an income. The term “peasant workers” is also inadequate insofar as they often reject tedious factory regimes and invest their wage income in various entrepreneurial schemes. Their life strategy of what they call chuangdang (闯荡), or “venturing,” a term that implies both risk-taking entrepreneurship and prolonged mobility, defines their urban existence.


The Housing Question in Shenzhen

This research is supported by the department general research fund at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It explores the comprehensive development of Shenzhen's urban villages.

figure 1.HEIC

11 Yuk Choi Rd, Hung Hom

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